5th ASAM International Conference, Dresden, Germany

AVIN Systems, is the home for Automotive Embedded Software Products and Services with specialization in AUTOSAR, ISO26262 and In-Vehicle Networking.

5th ASAM International Conference, Dresden, Germany

November 29 - 30, 2022

ASAM hosted the 5th ASAM International Conference on Nov. 29 and 30 in Dresden Germany. This conference series has developed to be a recognized event to discuss current automotive industry trends and identify where standardization can facilitate processes. The theme of this Conference session and Call for Papers mainly focused on ‘Towards AD Certification – Integrated Development and Testing based on Standards’

AVIN System submitted an abstract on ‘Integrated approach for Safety Based on ISO 26262 and ISO 21448 (SOTIF)’. The abstract was selected and our Senior Safety Consultant (Karthikeya S M) was one of the speakers at the event.